The Changemaker's Planner will help you enjoy more freedom, income and impact

by balancing all aspects of your life — spiritual, personal and professional.

Organize your life without losing focus on what you value the most

As Seen On

Make the RIGHT CHOICE in every situation

The Changemaker’s Planner will become that trusted compass, which will always point in the right direction. In any situation and in every area of your life it will help you determine the right vector in your relationship with God, spouse, children, colleagues, your body, finances,… based upon your core values. 

The very values, which you’ll discover while working through the Changemaker’s Planner.

MAXIMIZE of your time

You want to feel successful in your career, but also have enough margin for eating meals as a family, enjoying playing with children, taking your spouse on a date, devoting time to fitness and hobbies…

Without a system for organizing your tasks (like the one in the Changemaker’s Planner), you think you don’t have enough time to get what you desire and you feel as if you are settling for a second-rate life. But things are about to change!

Achieve GOD-SIZED goals

God has a magnificent plan for you, but you risk missing it, if you are stuck in routine all the time.

You may miss becoming the person you could have become —  the best version of yourself.

But if you use the Changemaker’s Planner you can discover the values which govern your life and make achieving God’s plan and reaching your full potential  a reality.


Live a focused and
fulfilled life everyday!

The key to living a focused and fulfilled life is to have enough time for the things you truly value:

  • watching children grow up to become confident, mature and kind adults
  • serving God together with your spouse
  • enjoying meals as a family
  • developing a godly character
  • taking cross-country vacations
  • cheering for children at recitals and sporting events
  • fly-fishing with great grandchildren or baking cookies with your daughter, and much much more…


Make your most ambitious goals possible!

  • in Changemaker’s Planner you have a powerful tool which will constantly focus you on what’s truly important — your relationship with God, family, personal growth, mastery… so you could successfully manage your routine tasks
  • The Changemaker’s Planner is your dependable guide on the path to your success, and will help you to regain your clarity should you ever lose it.


Your life is more than
mere productivity

it is your children’ smiles, caring for your body, pursuing God, enjoying a favorite hobby, volunteering in your community, Thanksgiving get-togethers, experiencing outdoors, showing your son how to grill his first steak…

When you plan only work tasks, you miss over 70% of your LIFE!

For this, it’s not enough to plan things right —
you must intentionally plan the right things.

Even rest and spirituality need to be a part of your plan.


With the Changemaker’s Planner you will:

  • Identify values, that form the foundation of your life, so you can feel at peace and become the architect of a future that honors God
  • Set ambitious goals that will fuel your motivation, help you avoid burnout while being aligned with your core values
  • Reduce stress and the number of “burning” tasks so that you have enough time for God, family, fitness,… achieve more by working less
  • Prioritize your tasks to devote you attention to only truly important tasks, while delegating the rest
  • Have victory in your life by winning each day! Track your progress with ease and execute from a calm, confident and generous state of peace. 
  • Have emotional fuel for massive action — by practicing gratitude and marking progress that you achieved each day and week
  • Create massive progress in your annual goals due to proven and flexible Changemaker’s Planning System, which works even when nothing goes according to plan
  • Have a personal coach in your pocket — that will organically guide you to your goals restoring your focus and clarity

And much, MUCH more…

The Changemaker’s Planner is specifically designed for and is best used on a tablet with a digital pen and a PDF annotation app, such as Notability, GoodNotes, Noteshelf, Xodo and many others.

You use a planner every day, multiple times a day. In the morning you consult it to see the plan for the day. In the evening you use it for journaling and thanksgiving. During the day you check in on your progress — that’s why a planner must be practical and elegant.

I designed the Changemaker’s Planner to be aesthetically beautiful, interactive and easy to use so that you enjoy using it all day!

The Changemaker’s Planner is infinitely customizable. You can add pages where you want as many as you want … or take them away if they get in your way.

Personalize templates to fit your style — you can revamp the layout according to your individual requirements.

Instant access to any day, week, month or quarter in the Changemaker’s Planner in 2 clicks or less.

You no longer need to skim through your clunky paper planner to find the right day or use a dozen of bookmarks. Simply touch any date anywhere in the planner with your digital stylus and it will immediately open to the right page.

And if you ever need assistance we are only a message away — please contact and a member of our super professional, punctual, accommodating, and kind staff will help you in timely manner.

WARNING: test the Changemaker’s Planner for just a week and you might forever forget all of the limitations of paper planners in your life 😉

Hi, I'm Vladimir

creator of the Changemaker’s Planner. As a busy pastor, husband, father of two wonderful children and small business owner I struggled for years feeling like a hamster in the wheel of life.

I tried to balance family, work, ministry and rest, but I was never satisfied with myself. I was constantly frustrated because I thought I should have done more. Each day I accomplished less than I planned to do.

My list of tasks grew larger and larger but less and less energy was left to achieve them. As tasks accumulated I began to blame and criticize myself: “why do you accomplish so little…AGAIN!?”

Being in that state was horrible! Because I believed that I didn’t have enough time, I not only cut corners in my relationship with God, family, self-care, fitness — being in this restless and “always busy” mode didn’t allow me to be fully present and effective.

I spent hours struggling in my mind to make a decision on what to focus next.

Everyday I was so bogged down in routine tasks (which I could have easily delegated), that I spent little to no time on truly important things in my life.

While I understood that I was incredibly busy, I was not achieving truly meaningful goals.

On the surface I was a typical go-getter. For an average observer my life seemed successful: loving family, a house built with my own two hands, a meaningful ministry, BBQ on the weekends…

But deep inside I knew that this was just a pitiful shell of the amazing life God had for me.

I was drowning.

One day prompted me to reconsider my life.

I remember sitting in the unfinished basement of my house on Christmas morning 2013, crying out to God, because even though I was “serving God” I felt far away from Him, disconnected from my values and distant from my family.

I had to face what went wrong.

To make a commitment to change in order to return to a vibrant relationship with God, have enough time to serve Him, pursue relationship with my wife and children while enjoying life.

By analyzing both Biblical teachings and research about successful team leaders, I created the Changemaker’s Planner to aid me in my own journey. After witnessing the tremendous changes and satisfaction this system brings, I now want to offer it to you.

Discover the best version of yourself.

I’ve done all the mistakes so you don’t have to!

My gift to you is helping you build processes/habits that transform your (and your family’s) future!

Vladimir Lukyanov Creator of the Changemaker's Planner


Josh Leathers

I like how it is detailed and is like a daily challenge to be very intentional with one’s time

Steve Dwire

I think it's pretty amazing. I love the consistency of the clickable elements on every page and the way they let you navigate through the calendar. I also like the choice of font, the whitespace that lets the pages breathe, the use of size, color and shading to establish a hierarchy on each page

Johnathan Bass

I think the most liked thing about it for me is how the links work. I can keep a general overview of the month, but also drill down into an agenda. It’s really a planner that is as simple or complex as I make it and it’s simply usable

2023 PLANNER — NOW 30% OFF

$ 35
  • Put God first and organize your life
  • Reduce stress and overwhelm
  • Achieve more by doing less
  • Save hours per week and reach ambitious goals faster

Frequently Asked


The Changemaker’s Planner stands out due to its unique integration of Scriptural wisdom, scientific research, and the best practices of accomplished leaders, athletes, writers, and business professionals. This comprehensive approach aims to support you in achieving more than just professional success.

As a thoughtful guide for balanced personal development, the planner emphasizes the importance of nurturing your relationships with God, family, and yourself. It aims to assist you in cultivating a well-rounded and fulfilling life, grounded in faith and personal values.

With the Changemaker’s Planner, you’ll have the tools to stay focused on the most crucial tasks, empowering you to build a life that brings you pride and a deep sense of purpose. By combining spiritual guidance and practical insights, this planner offers a respectful and supportive path to personal growth and success.


Once you purchase the Changemaker’s Planner you will be able to access your content immediately on the Checkout page. You will also receive an email receipt with a download link.


You’ll need a PDF annotation app/PDF editor to use the Changemaker’s Planner. For best experience I highly recommend a digital pen, although it is not a requirement to live a fulfilled a focused life. You can use the Changemaker’s Planner on a computer by using an annotating app of your choice.

Compatible apps for different devices:

1) iPad

  • Notability (Recommended),
  • GoodNotes,
  • Noteshelf,
  • xodo, etc.

2) Android tablets

  • Noteshelf,
  • xodo, etc.

3) Mac

  • Notability,
  • GoodNotes,
  • Adobe Acrobat,
  • Preview, etc.

4) PC
desktop apps:

  • Adobe Acrobat,
  • Foxit PDF editor,etc.

web-based apps:

  • xodo,
  • Kami, etc.

*NOTE: Please be aware that while some apps are FREE, others require a one time charge or a subscription.


Yes, I am always willing to consider any request that you may have. Please reach out to me via and I will do my best to design a planner that fits your requirements.

In GoodNotes, please have the ‘Read-Only’ tool on (It looks like a crossed out pencil) to activate the hyperlinks.


In Notability, please have the hand tool deselected to activate the hyperlinks.


Please also make sure your iPad’s (or other tablet’s) system software is up-to-date. If so, please close all the documents in GoodNotes/Notability (or the app you use) and force quit it, then restart your tablet.


If the links still don’t work, please send me a message at


Since the offers non-tangible, irrevocable goods we do not provide refunds after the product is purchased, which you acknowledge prior to purchasing any product on the website. Please make sure that you’ve carefully read product description before making a purchase.


But please contact me if you have any problems with your order.

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